9 Descriptive Statistics: Categorical

For this section we use the Titanic data set. The lines below imports into R the data and converts some of the variables to factors.

titanic2 <-  
    haven::read_dta("./Data/titanic2.dta") %>% 
    mutate(sex  = haven::as_factor(sex),
           died = haven::as_factor(died),
           age  = haven::as_factor(age),
           class = haven::as_factor(class)) %>% 

We begin by visualizing the first 6 rows of the data

titanic2 %>% head()
Table 6.1:
class age sex died
first adult male No
first adult male No
first adult male No
first adult male No
first adult male No
first adult male No

And then summarize the entire data

titanic2 %>% summary()
    class        age           sex        died     
 first :325   child: 109   female: 470   No : 711  
 second:285   adult:2092   male  :1731   Yes:1490  
 third :706                                        
 crew  :885                                        

9.1 Single Categorical Variable

9.1.1 Frequencies & Proportions

The most common modality for presenting a single categorical variables is tabulating the observations, and subsequently expressing these frequencies as proportions or percentages. This is done below

titanic2 %>% 
        include = class,
        digits = class ~ c(0,1)
    ) %>% 
Characteristic N = 2,2011
Passenger's cabin class
    first 325 (14.8%)
    second 285 (12.9%)
    third 706 (32.1%)
    crew 885 (40.2%)
1 n (%)

9.1.2 Graph - Barchart

We first summarize the data

bar_data <-
    titanic2 %>% 
    drop_na(class) %>% 
    count(class) %>% 
    mutate(perc = `n` / sum(`n`)) %>% 
    arrange(perc) %>%
    mutate(labels = paste(n, " (", scales::percent(perc), ")", sep=""))

Table 6.3:
class n perc labels
second 285 0.129 285 (12.9%)
first 325 0.148 325 (14.8%)
third 706 0.321 706 (32.1%)
crew 885 0.402 885 (40.2%)

And the plot the barplot

bar_data %>% 
    ggplot() +
    geom_bar(stat = "identity", 
             aes(y = n, x = class, fill = class), 
             col = "black", 
             show.legend = F) +
    geom_label(aes(y = n, label = labels, x = class), 
               vjust = 1.2,
               show.legend = FALSE, size=3.5) +
    labs(x = NULL, 
         y = "Count", 
         title = "Distribution of Class of passenger") +
    theme_bw() Pie Chart

To do this we use the previously summarized data. Then we draw a customised Pie Chart

bar_data %>% 
    ggplot(aes(x = "", y = perc, fill = class)) +
    geom_col() +
    geom_label(aes(label = labels),
               position = position_stack(vjust = 0.5),
               show.legend = FALSE, size =3) +
    coord_polar(theta = "y", start=0) +
    labs(title = "Distribution of Blood Groups of study participants",
         fill = "Blood Group") +

9.1.3 Two categorical Variables Frequencies & Proportions

titanic2 %>% 
    tbl_cross(row = sex, col = died) %>% 
Died at sea Total
No Yes
Sex of passenger

    female 344 126 470
    male 367 1,364 1,731
Total 711 1,490 2,201 Row percentages

titanic2 %>% 
    tbl_cross(row = sex, col = died, percent = "row", digits = c(0,1)) %>% 
Died at sea Total
No Yes
Sex of passenger

    female 344 (73.2%) 126 (26.8%) 470 (100.0%)
    male 367 (21.2%) 1,364 (78.8%) 1,731 (100.0%)
Total 711 (32.3%) 1,490 (67.7%) 2,201 (100.0%) Column percentages

titanic2 %>% 
    tbl_cross(row = sex, col = died, percent = "col", digits = c(0,1)) %>% 
Died at sea Total
No Yes
Sex of passenger

    female 344 (48.4%) 126 (8.5%) 470 (21.4%)
    male 367 (51.6%) 1,364 (91.5%) 1,731 (78.6%)
Total 711 (100.0%) 1,490 (100.0%) 2,201 (100.0%) Table Total Percentages

titanic2 %>% 
        row = sex, 
        col = died, 
        percent = c("cell"), 
        digits = c(0,1)) %>% 
Died at sea Total
No Yes
Sex of passenger

    female 344 (15.6%) 126 (5.7%) 470 (21.4%)
    male 367 (16.7%) 1,364 (62.0%) 1,731 (78.6%)
Total 711 (32.3%) 1,490 (67.7%) 2,201 (100.0%) Bar Chart

titanic2 %>% 
    ggplot(aes(x = class, fill = died)) +
    geom_bar(position = position_dodge(), col = "black") +
    labs(y = "Count", x = "Class", fill = "Died",
          title = "Bar plot of outcome of passengers for each class") +